Monday, November 16, 2015

Using Current Events in the Classroom

Image result for current events
Recently in class, we were given the task of designing a current events lesson plan to share with our colleagues. As each pair presents their lesson, I am learning more and more ways to utilize current events in the classroom. It doesn't have to simply be reading an article and writing a reflection paper. There are so many other ways to allow students to explore the events that are happening in their world.

Through each activity, I am noticing the benefits of using current events. These activities give social studies meaning. These are real life articles that are pulled from the students current world. Often this fact alone sparks more student interest, than if they were learning about a past time period that does not directly affect the students' lives now. By using current events, we are making social studies relevant.

Using current events also opens up many opportunities to link social studies to other subjects and disciplines. There are ways to incorporate English, science, and math into these lessons. I can definitely see myself using current events in my future classroom. I feel it is a great opportunity for students to connect more to social studies, through meaningful experiences! 

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